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Detection and Isolation of Different Functional Groups of Bacteria from an Oil Production System


September 2002


International Subsurface Microbiology Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark


Conference Paper


Oil Plus Ltd

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Detection and Isolation of Different Functional Groups of Bacteria from an Oil Production System

Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), denitrifying bacteria (DNB) and methanogenic archaea (methanogens) were isolated from an oil production facility using conventional and novel media for the industry. Most probable number (MPN) estimations were as high as 1.1 x 105 (SRB), 1.15 x 103 (DNB) ans 2.5 x 101 (methanogens) cells ml-1 at various points in the system and differences in MPN estimation of up to 2 orders of magnitude were obtained for SRB using different enrichment media. Specific gene probes were also employed to determine the presence of SRB and DNB at two points in the production system, including one sample where MPN estimation was low. This sensitive probing method could be used for fast, routine bacterial surveys to avoid culturing bias commonly encountered.